WWE Super Showdown 2019 Betting Tips

avatar Written By Graeme on June 6, 2019  

This week the WWE has the show that most people will say they are refusing to watch – then will watch anyway – as the WWE head to Saudi Arabia again for WWE Super Showdown 2019.

The past two Saudi Arabia shows have been interesting ones from a betting perspective. The first one was the Greatest Royal Rumble and the results basically resembled a house show.

WWE Crown Jewel however was slightly different in that regard. More meaningful matches etc – there was more thought put into the results. Probably because of the fact that they had the World Cup structure.

This years show has quite the card. Goldberg vs the Undertaker, Roman Reigns vs Shane McMahon, HHH vs Randy Orton and a 50 man Battle Royal.

Its still a bit tricky to figure these type of shows out from a betting perspective but let’s see what we got:

Where To Bet WWE Super Showdown 2019

These sportsbooks accept Americans. Note many won't have odds up until 3-4 days before each PPV.

Rank: Sportsbook: How: Bonus:
1 5Dimes "Wrestling" category under "Other Sports". Best odds, up to $520 free.
2 Bovada Click "All Sports" in sidebar then "Wrestling". $250 Free.

We recommend 5Dimes the most due to better odds, and they cover all WWE events. (Bovada usually only have Mania, Rumble although you can click and see)

WWE Super Showdown 2019 Betting Odds:

((Odds are below. List the favourite first where applicable))

  • Randy Orton (-125) vs HHH (-115)
  • Battle Royal: Ali (+165), Drew McIntyre (+300), Brock Lesnar (+475), Lars Sullivan (+1000) – various others available too
  • The Undertaker (-185) vs Goldberg (+145)
  • Braun Strowman (-750) vs Bobby Lashley (+)
  • Finn Balor (-1700) vs Andrade (+800)
  • Roman Reigns (-420) vs Shane McMahon (+300)
  • Kofi Kingston (-1350) vs Dolph Ziggler (+650)
  • Seth Rollins (-1050) vs Baron Corbin (+550)
  • Lars Sullivan (-1700) vs Lucha House Party (+800)

WWE Super Showdown 2019 Betting Tips & Analysis:

Randy Orton (-125) vs HHH (-115): One with actual worthwhile betting odds. Crazy. This is a very intriguing one. HHH did put over Cena at the first show however I feel things have changed since then. I’m doing 1/2u on HHH to win. He’s sadly a more important person than Orton at this point and should be protected considering he only wrestles rarely. Orton can take the loss. If he really needs to he can get his heat back with an RKO

Battle Royal: : I am taking The Field vs Ali for 1u. -215 odds and if Ali wins then so be it but there are just so many other potential contenders.
The Undertaker (-185) vs Goldberg (+145): When the odds came out Taker was actually an underdog and I bet 3u on him at 3 different sportsbooks ha. At this price though? Not worth the bet in my opinion. If you like to risk it at these odds though go for it.

Braun Strowman (-750) vs Bobby Lashley (+450): I mean WWE generally protects Strowman unless it is a title match. However Lashley got the better of him on RAW so you expect Strowman takes it here. No bet.

Finn Balor (-1700) vs Andrade (+800): lol. Yeah The Demon ain’t losing.
Roman Reigns (-420) vs Shane McMahon (+300): I was correct last time out in predicting The Miz to lose to Shane McMahon. This time though I’d be very, very shocked if Roman isn’t the victor here. They put Reigns over everyone – including anyone with the last name McMahon.

Kofi Kingston (-1350) vs Dolph Ziggler (+650): Can’t see WWE pulling off any big shocks here. Owens isn’t traveling to Saudi so Dolph slots in his place and takes the loss. No bet.

Seth Rollins (-1050) vs Baron Corbin (+550): I have heard some rumours and speculation that Corbin wins and then Brock cashes in on him. Honestly can’t see it though – I mean they protect Seth strongly. This is one where I MIGHT do a small bet on Baron as I can see some justification but by god I am not advising it.

Lars Sullivan (-1700) vs Lucha House Party (+800): Sullivan surely crushes. It’s the WWE way. Unless they decide to throw us a massive curveball Sullivan buries them all. It’s almost tempting to back them though as I mean him losing would just make him more pissed off and could lead to different things than usual. In saying that it’s WWE – expect the expected.

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